Trips & Outings

Trips and outings are a way to break from the routine of learning inside a classroom. While our classrooms are lively and fun spaces for learning, our excursions help children gain new experiences and perspectives.
All our outings are carefully planned with safety and age-appropriateness in mind. Students are constantly under adult supervision during the entirety of these events. Our educational trips are designed to have specific outcomes, enrich the lives of our students, and expand their horizons.

Day Long Field Trips

Day long Field trips and Educational tours provide students with the opportunity to connect with teachers at an informal level. Students from all Classes look forward to these outings and trips. These trips are designed to make inhouse learning come alive. At TRIO, day long field trips are organised on a smaller scale to broaden understanding through a variety of activities, in a safe environment.
TRIO has partnered with a licensed outbound educational trip provider to create curated outbound trips keeping learning outcomes in mind.
Day long field trips are undertaken twice a year.

Night Outs

In Class IV, a ‘Night Out’ is planned on the school campus. This is typically when the children are away from their parents for the first time during their time at TRIO. The focus is on building confidence and self-awareness. This paves the way for an easier transition into longer duration outbound trips.

Educational Tours

On educational tours, students can interact with people from different sections of society. It gives them a chance to gain a new perspective and learn from complete strangers with unbiased opinions.
Educational Tours for students provide them with an opportunity to collaborate with teachers, and integrate new perspectives within informal environments to enhance learning. Among the many educational tour benefits, skill development is the most crucial. To meet several educational tour objectives, students need to apply skills, values and acquired knowledge in new settings.
Educational Tours take place at least once every academic year. Detailed preparations are made for them. Parent briefings and discussions are carried out prior to the trips.

Past Educational Tours

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